Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my...

This last week Brad went up to June Lake area on a fishing trip with his dad and a few of his long time fishing buddies. They have gone 2 times a year for about 30 years (give or take just a few) ;) This time they stayed in a cabin and when they got there they were told to make sure and not leave any food in their car because there is a bear that has been hanging around. A bear? Holy cow. They got up there on Wednesday morning and when Brad called me later that day he told me this. On Friday night Brad called and said that they had gone out to eat. When they got into the cabin they could tell that someone had been there. Brad looked at his stuff and it hadn't been touched - phew! They walked back to one of the bedrooms and realized it hadn't been a person it was an animal! The screen on the window was all torn and the curtians were shreaded. There were M&M's all over the ground and some HoneyCombs cereal. Brad went outside and walked around the corner and came face to face with the intruder - the bear! He said it was a smaller one only about 300 pounds! When Brad looked at the bear it got this guilty look on it's face and kinda crouched down - just like Rosie (our dog) does when she's done something wrong. Then it ran around and hid under the porch. The other guys came out to see what was up and they watched it try to climb a few trees, try to hide behind a bush and then finally walk around out of sight. So get this - the window must have been just barely open - enough for the bear to get part of his claw in and then it just barreled it's way in - they think that he was even still in the place when they got back from eating. They must have startled it and it tried to grab what he could and get the heck out of there. Needless to say they got home safely yesterday afternoon - I was so glad to have Brad back home in one piece. Seriously though, I could have gone another night without knowing "the bear" story :)

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