Times a changin' and it's time for a pool face lift!!!
Brad wanted nothing more than to get this thing empty so he could skate it.
Nathan doing his part :) Check out how steep those stairs are - they sure don't seem like they are that steep when they are covered with water.
Nathan "accidentally" fell in. The water looks sick but it's really ok water - it was clean until they started this project and dirt and rocks from the sides fell in.
Brad emptying the spa.
No naked carrots in this spa! Whoa - blast from the past Riley/Harris spa humor!
Airboard drop in.
Dad demonstrating his swimming technique!
I told Mom and Dad that they should use this picture as their Christmas card picture this year. I doubt they will go for it. ;)
This pool is ENORMOUS!
This is Nathan doing what we like to call "The Matt". I was trying to take a picture of Brad and at the last second Nathan jumped up in front of the camera to steal the scene aka "The Matt".
I'm pretty sure Mom has never been this deep in the pool (especially with a broom).
Almost completely empty! Of course it was way to late in the night to actually skate it. So sorry Brad... Brad was in charge of the pump and making sure it was working properly. My Mom was having flashbacks to the days right after my heart surgery, when Brad would make sure that my chest tube and all of the other tubes coming out of me were working properly. Fun times!
More pictures as the ShopKo* continues... (mom will get that now)